Project Results
Throughout the project, the consortium will create the following intellectual productions :
"WISE Project (2023)”, Quantitative study about well-being.
This report is a quantitative report based on three surveys addressed to students, student organisations and HEIs. It aims to identify what’s at stake for students and HEIs and other institutions across Europe. It analyses the results of the quantitative survey "Student well-being initiatives in European higher education". The survey is divided in 3 parts: one for students, the other for HEIs and the last one for student associations. The report focuses on two of the three surveys (the one addressed to students and HEIs) It aims to identify practices implemented in universities that sustain student well-being, measure student well-being in different countries and compare their level of well-being, identify their opinions about the importance of well-being in daily life, analyse the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic had on student well-being, analyse the role of belongings to university and attachment to university on well-being and identify possible worries and anxiety generated by macrosocial events which could affect student well-being. You can also access to the synthesis of the report here "WISE Project (2023)”, Synthesis: How can we contribute to student’s well-being in Europe? This synthesis proposes a shorter version of the quantitative report "WISE Project (2023)”, Quantitative study about well-being.
View Report Detail"WISE Project (2023)”, Initiatives and strategies in favour of student well-being in Europe
The following report is a qualitative report based on 10 interviews of HEIs and 10 student organisations in Europe led from January to July 2023. Moreover, we conducted 8 Focus Groups between November 2022 to May 2023 among students from different fields, level of studies and gender. Based on these results we propose a general overview on how student well-being is taken into account by the institutions at a national but also at a local level and how we can improve student well-being. It is a qualitative report based on focus groups and interviews of students, teaching, and administrative staff in European HEIs to acquire knowledge of initiatives for students' well-being in Europe. The aim was to document and deepen the knowledge about a series of interesting practices in favour of student well-being.
View Synthesis DetailTraining kit for HEI staff to implement student well-being initiatives
This training kit is geared towards HEI staff involved or that is interested in student well-being. It includes a self-assessment tool to determine the strong and weak points of their institution's well-being strategy and services. As well as guidance on how to develop student well-being initiatives, recommendations on how to improve academic staff well-being and fact sheets on different types of students and their well-being needs.
View Report DetailTraining kit for student organizations to implement student well-being initiatives
This training kit is directed towards student organisations who are currently involved in or wish to work on the topic of student well-being. It includes a sef-assessment tool for organisations to determine the areas of improvement of their well-being strategy as well as guidance on how to develop their own well-being initiatives.
View Project DetailRecommendations
In this document you can find the 14 recommendations we've elaborated throughout the WISE project. They target HEIs but also policy makers at national and European Union
View Project Detail